
Human development support resources and services

Professional Consulting Solutions


A self-directed, transformative guide to let you control your destiny

Our Model


Intake and Envisioning

Taking stock and envisioning your end points.



Guided self-assessment and interrogation of your starting point.


Taking Aim

Creating a contract for your possible future.


Staging & Action Planning

Staging your futuring journey.


Progress Monitoring

Monitoring transformative progress.


Iterative Progression

Recursive repetition of the Futuring program to meet your evolving aims.

Proven Success in Representing Our Clients

We have used our groundbreaking methods to successfully lead hundreds of transformation initiatives, from the level of the individual to the scale of large, complex organizations.

Your Personal Transformation Guide

Founder Cynthia McCallister, Ed.D. is the creator of FUTURING, a comprehensive, scientifically-based transformation program for individuals, families, and organizations. She will guide you in a transformative process that enables you to achieve your potential and control your destiny.

Cynthia McCalister 2010

We offer comprehensive consulting services
to solve personal and organizational challenges.

Customized Solutions

Tested Expertise

Frequently Asked Questions

What areas do you specialize in?

We specialize in supporting individuals, couples and organizations in imaging the best possible future and staging a course for its achievement.

What are your rates?

The rates for our services are based on your specific requirements. You can request a quote after a preliminary consultation.

How can I schedule an Agency-Consulting consultation?

You can schedule a consultation with us by filling out a consultation request form on our website.

What are your firm’s payment options?

To make it easier for our clients, we offer flexible payment options for our services, which include hourly billing and flat fees.

Stay in the know

Check out our blog to learn about the latest insights on our model of transformative FUTURING.